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YMCA's Department of Social and Human Development is the social service wing of New Delhi YMCA. Here we strive to achieve a JUST SOCIETY where oppression, exploitation and denial of life is confronted and transformed. And we do this by working for the underprivileged sections of the society through 5 Community Development Centres and 29 alternative learning centres, one family counseling centres and 84 Self - Help Groups.

We believe that a self-reliant society can only be developed by educating and motivating the poor in resettlement colonies and slums by concentrating on child care, community health care, education, vocational and skill development activities as well as women empowerment programmes.


We function with the vision to “create opportunities to enable the members of the communities, to lead a life of dignity and live to its fullest potentials.” And our focus is on the underprivileged and the urban-poor living in slum clusters and resettlement colonies.

Community Development Centres

We have 5 Community Development Centres located at:

  • Sunlight Colony, North East Delhi
  • Kalyanpuri, East Delhi
  • Karpoori Thakur, South Delhi
  • Savda-Ghevra, North-West Delhi
  • Daya Basti, North Delhi

Community Development Programmes

YMCA’s Department of Social and Human Development in constantly engaged in programmes and activities being organized in the areas of education, vocational, health, empowerment, Family Counseling, Skill Training, Developing of Self Help Group, Awareness Generation Programmes, Competitions, Training Programmes, Youth Group Activities, Networking Meetings, Important Day Celebration and Events.

The sole purpose is to empower the weaker sections of the society through the light of education and self-reliance.



All Community Development Centres run Balwadi for the children for their holistic development which includes Social, Physical, Psychological and emotional development. And while doing this we monitor the mental growth of the child by charting it out from time to time.

Remedial Education


When you come home from office, you help your child with the home work or a tutor does that? Ever thought how your maid, your driver does it, considering the level of their education? That's what we help do. We provide the same help thereby sustaining the interest of their children in studies and decrease dropout rate.

Vocational Skill Development Courses

To enhance skills and confidence of youth and encourage to become self-dependent, we provide vocational training through Computer classes, Cutting & Tailoring and Beauty Culture to literate and semi-literate adolescent girls. We also have collaborations with other NGOs to impart training which will further enhance their skills for a better future.

Issue-Based Awareness Generation Programmes

Informal education through Nukkad Natak, Rallies, Skits, Meetings, Movies and Educational Exposure Visit on the different issues like Life Skills, Food & Nutrition, Health & Hygiene and Legal Rights & Advocacy, etc are always a better idea of merely education the youth via books. So we keep organizing these from time to time.


Family Counselling Centre and Women Empowerment

Family Counselling Centre

The Department runs Family Counselling Centre at CDC Sunlight Colony, is partly supported by the Central Social Welfare Board. It provides preventive, curative, referral and rehabilitative services to victim of atrocities.

Be it dowry demand, domestic violence, marital maladjustment, harassment, cruelty amid family members or any other family dispute - our counselling experts ensure that the best efforts are taken to guide the couple/family to stay happy together. And if not, then how to go about the court proceedings for a peaceful legal separation.


Self Help Group


The Department successfully runs 84 Self Help Groups at five Community Development Centres. Education and awareness are the path to decision making power, self-confidence and upliftment of the social status. And that’s what are self-help groups aim at. Not only this, women attached with these groups also learn the art of saving as well take a loan as per the need to expand their small-scale ventures.

Micro Entrepreneurship


The Community Development Centre Savda-Ghevra explored the possibility of converting the Self Help Group into a Micro Credit Entrepreneurship. The CDC Savda Ghevra is running a kitchen-masala production group with the women of the Self Help Group since 1st January 2014. Named the “Shudh Masala Group” its members are successfully supplying masalas to the local community and also to YMCA. And the women engaged in its production are roday basking in the glory of self-reliance.

New programmes initiated in ever changing context

The year 2020 was a year of challenges. All the activities in SHD department were affected by Pandemic. Our regular activities are mostly educational and vocational training for the under privileged children and youth of the community. But due to Pandemic, we had to close down all our classes and training programme.

SHD department came up with some new initiative of starting online classes for the senior students. We started online classes for Computer training. We also started activities for smaller kids while they stay at home. We prepared videos of activities and shared with the parents. Children practiced those activities at home in supervision of parents. We requested the parents to capture those moments of children practising activities and send it back to the instructors. Although, we faced challenges to implement this initiatives, as most of the children and youth did not have adequate facility of Smart phone, Laptop and internet. We tried that they share such facility with a family having these equipment.

Continuous Awareness Generation Programmes (AGP)

SHD department is continuously doing AGPs and interaction with the families on Precaution and Prevention of Covid and seasonal disease. We provide all the families with Safety Kits, which help them to be protected from dangerous diseases. We are assisting them and making them aware to take vaccination. Impact of our efforts are seen in the community as there were not even a single case of Covid Positive during the second wave. Almost 80 % population (above 18 yrs of age) are already vaccinated.

Safety Kit and Dry Ration Distribution

The distribution of Safety Kits and Ration Packets was done for the under privileged people like families of the children associated with the Community Development Centers, old and ailing people, families affected with COVID-19, women headed families etc. Through distribution of these packets, SHD is trying to reach people with objective. Till date SHD has distributed 2,000 Safety Kit and 450 Dry ration Packets.

a. To aware people about Protection and Prevention from COVID-19 Virus

b. To aware people about regular use of Face Masks, Sanitization and Washing of hands at regular intervals

c. To tell them about Importance of Vaccine & motivate them to go for Vaccination

Mask Distribution to the Students of CDC and their Families

We are going through a difficult time. Whole world is stuck with Covid-19 and human kind is striving for survival. To protect our lives, the Government has imposed lockdown in the State. At this moment of time, when people cannot come out of their houses, New Delhi YMCA is reaching to the people.

In its ‘Response to Pandemic’, New Delhi YMCA distributed around 5,000 Mask and did Awareness generation among the people in different Community Centers. Namely Kalyanpuri, Karpoori Thakur Colony, Daya Basti, Sunlight Colony and Savda Ghevra Colony.

Though it was very difficult for the staff to reach to the centers during this Lockdown but all the staff made it possible to be present at the centers for distribution of Mask and Awareness Generation Programmes. This is appreciable on part of the Staff motivation level.

MLAs, Councilors, Police Officials and Local Volunteers came forward to support YMCA in its effort to reach the people. Maintaining social distancing we are distributing Mask and generating awareness among the people regarding SOPs and safeguards from Covid-19.

New Delhi YMCA started this drive from 26th of May’21 and continued for 10 days it was the effort to reach more and more people.



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