Communications & Public Relations Committee





“Any idea, fact or opinion is static until it is communicated, expressed and understood”
Communication plays an essential role in effective public relations. Continual Effective Communication is essential for information to flow in its desired form between the organization and public.
Public Relations refers to the practice of enhancing an organization’s reputation in the eyes of public, stakeholders, employees, beneficiaries and all others associated with it. Public relations maintains and enhances the brand & image of the organization.
Under the leadership of the General Secretary & CEO, Mr. Rajeev Singh, a team of NDY Secretaries and Executives namely, Mr. Ashish Clifton, Secretary; Mr. Rajinald Vijay Milton, Assistant Manager, Systems & IT; Ms. Caroline Anushka Keelor, Marketing Executive, and Mr. Edwin Benny, Social Media Manager, have been deputed to carry out Corporate Communication and Public Relations activities such as the NDY Newsletter, Social Media Marketing and Branding, Press Releases, NDY Website Maintenance & Enhancement and other related tasks. This ensures the continuous development of the Brand and Prestige of the New Delhi YMCA and creates a channel of connection and member-engagement through the efforts and contributions of the Communications & Public Relations Committee.